We have had one of our busiest weekends on Twitter, as a result of the broadcasting by BBC Countryfile of the highly subjective opinions of Princess Anne.
The fact that there was no presentation of scientific opinion, or an interview with the Badger Trust, created a totally biased broadcast.
As if that were not enough, we see today that there is a Countryfile poll asking:
"Do you believe gassing to be the most effective method for culling Badgers?"
Hold on a moment!! - Culling? Who agreed to a cull? Was it the British Public? Was it a vote by MPs held WITHOUT the Environment Secretary walking out? Was it decided because the scientists said it was right? What kind of biased poll is this?
If there is one person that commands respect at the BBC, it is Sir David Attenborough!! Did anyone listen to him in October 2013? You can read his views, which question why no one is listening to the scientists here
The science behind Badgers and bovine TB is extremely well presented by The Wildlife Trusts here
There is also a great resource from the Badger Trust here
WE STRONGLY ADVISE, that you add a comment to the above Countryfile poll, so that your views are not misinterpreted. We are sorry to say, but last night's broadcast, gives no confidence at all as to how the results of this poll might be used.
If you want a nice objective poll question then try this one:
"What should be the main weapon in the fight against bTB in cattle?"
Unfortunately there isn't a box for "scientific research", but at least it makes more sense and is less biased!!
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