Thursday, 20 November 2014

Petitions Hub: Walk out into the beautiful world tomorrow, knowing that you have helped to protect it TODAY!

With millions of passionate animal and wildlife lovers in the UK, there is a great opportunity to create change by signing petitions!

We have created this space to allow you to easily find petitions that you can support. Because we have supporters all over the world, we have split them into two sections: those that can only be signed by UK residents and then world petitions that can be signed by anyone!

Right!.....are you ready to SAVE THE WORLD?!!! Click on the heading to find and sign the petition:

U.K. Petitions:

1.  STOP development of Havelock Recreation Ground

2. Puppy Farming Survey by Animal Welfare Enforcement Agency

3. Protect the Ancient Benacre Wood

Please work as a team to protect each others communities.

4. Government Fiddling With Fracking Law - Tap Water at Risk -  petition by Friends of the Earth

5. Save Gillies Hill - Home to Red Squirrels, Pine Martens, Peregrines &Badgers 

Please work as a team to protect each others communities.

6. Act to Protect Bristol's Most Valuable and Fertile Land

7. Forest privatisation by the back door! - UK campaign to Secretary of State

Please work as a team to protect each others communities.

8. Save St Ives Treloyhan Wood Wildlife Habitat

Please work as a team to protect each others communities.

5 BAP species and 4 species of bat require protection! Important green corridor. Please add your voice to save UK nature. This is heading for judicial review so please all get behind the petition. Thank you.

9. Save Wildlife and National Forest From Major Development! (Forest of Dean)

Please work as a team to protect each others communities.

11. Save Our Ocean Giants

The Wildlife Trusts are campaigning for 17 protected areas around England & Wales for Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises and Basking Sharks. Please take the pledge to help this campaign.

12. Friends of Marine Conservation Zones

Become a "Friend of MCZs" to help The Wildlife Trusts get a network of protected areas in the English seas, where wildlife and habitats are safe, and where fish stocks can recover.

Also some great UK action groups to follow:

Dont infl8 to celebrate campaign against balloon and sky lantern releases and marine litter.

World Petitions:

1. Save Endangered Grizzly Bears From Jumbo Ski Report

2. Request the Japanese Government to take action and cease the barbaric slaughter of Dolphins and Whales at Taiji

3. Stop awarding weight-based world-records (where fish has to be killed to qualify) for fish species threatened with extinction

TTIP and CETA want to remove the measures that are in place to protect YOU and your NHS and environment! "They" tried to keep it secret, but George Monbiot and others got word out and now millions who care are rising against it. Please sign and share to add YOUR voice.

Now held after being on the run for allegedly tying a dog to a bowling ball and drowning it. Help full force of law fall! #JusticeForZelda

Also: Some world action groups to support:

Tantwath - Saving Dugongs & Turtles from hunting in Australia

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