Yesterday, we received a request for help that brought ideas to the surface, which I had been developing, whilst studying social interactions.
The large obstacle that stands in the way of conservation is that, whilst individuals and organisations pursue goals such as profit, wealth or efficiency, there is little or no regard for the environment. Valuation of nature in decision making has simply led to abuse, as demonstrated by the principle of Biodiversity Offsetting.
However, we feel that this problem can largely be solved! By imagining the different sectors of society as separate "species", with their own goals, and by also applying thought and consideration we can engineer symbiotic relationships, creating a win, win situation!
So! To our experiment: "Hidden Cash" started in San Francisco recently, when a millionaire began hiding cash in envelopes around the city and posting clues of how to find it on Twitter.
A campaign has started to bring "hidden cash" to Bristol, after several envelopes were left across London as part of the social experiment.
The "symbiotic" relationship was therefore easy to establish in this case & the following proposals have been accepted for the common good:
1. The Bristol community needs 1,000 followers of @HCcomebristol to attract "hidden cash". @MMNNActionUK has offered to help with this.
2. Moving Mountains Nature Network wants to raise awareness of environmental issues and create social change. @HCcomebristol has offered to help share nature campaigns and petitions.
The relationship has been established and there is a chance to now demonstrate the power and benefits of Ecosocialism.
If this experiment produces notable results then we shall be introducing this idea of "social symbiosis" as a major component of our work alongside the ethic of teamwork. If successful, together we CAN all bring changes for the good of both people AND planet.
We need your help! Please ALL follow @HCcomebristol. Simple acts by mankind CAN lead to a bright future for life on earth.
Thank you for helping with this experiment.
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