HS2 has hidden key documents from MPs who represent communities, by using a war veto.
HS2 has led to the sacking of MPs that stand up for their communities.
HS2 has ignored invites to meet action groups and community leaders.
HS2 has misrepresented the economic facts by failing to take account of the TRUE VALUE of Natural Capital, as called for by the Natural Capital Committee and submitted to the Economic Affairs Committee:
"Over the coming decades, there will be a major programme to develop the UK's infrastructure. The
National Infrastructure Plan 2013 sets out ambitious plans - for new railways, roads, airport
expansions, energy systems, water resources, sewerage investments, flood defences and a major increase in house building - to modernise the economy and accommodate a sharp rise in population. In taking forward this major investment, it is important not to lose sight of natural infrastructure and the integral part that natural capital plays in delivering sustainable economic growth. As the White Paper rightly emphasised, the environment is part of the economy and needs
to be properly integrated into it so that growth opportunities will not be missed.
Integrating the environment into the economy is hampered by the almost complete absence of proper accounting for natural assets. What is not measured is usually ignored. National and corporate accounts are essential building blocks. The torch needs to be shone on what is going on,
in order to work out how to seize the numerous opportunities. The Committee is leading the way in
developing the metrics and risk registers, identifying the necessary capital maintenance, and
ensuring that project and investment appraisals in both the public and private sectors properly take
natural capital into account. Our recommendations in this report spell out what further needs to be
done. "
Q:How has Natural Capital been measured for HS2, when 40% of the route hasn't been surveyed and vital habitats, such as ancient woodlands have been overlooked?
In the aftermath of the Winter flooding that devastated so many communities. HS2 plans to wreck the Ecosystem Services across 300 miles of countryside, that help maintain a balance in nature, without extremes. What price should we place on the destruction of the world that is left for our children?
So who exactly are the "Knight's in shining armor"?, and, perhaps just as importantly, who aren't?
2. MPs that have lost their jobs, because they have listened to the communities that they represent and placed those interests first by opposing HS2. They are ALL "Knights in shining armor". Ask yourself, just how bad is HS2 if people are making such sacrifices?
3. The HS2 action groups. We have seen for ourselves how incredible individuals have come together, sacrificing time and money to fight for a just cause. They are tired, and their families have sacrificed, as they use every waking moment to protest. Ask yourself, why are these people making such sacrifices? Is HS2 really that bad? Every member of every action group is a "Knight in shining armor".
Peter Delow deserves special mention. He is an incredible author and environmental blogger and you can see a great summary of his work here
4. The Institute of Economic Affairs. All businesses and communities should be concerned here. This highly respected body of policy experts reached clear conclusions regarding the HS2 project. It is well worth taking a moment to read their summary. Ask yourself, why are we driving a knife into the heart of the UK's natural wealth when HS2 isn't even viable?
5. The UK wildlife charities
Some of the air that you breathe, the water that you drink, the food that you eat, and the health that you are hopefully enjoying today has come from the established natural assets that exist along the HS2 route. HS2 will rip that up and leave less for your next generations!
The wildlife charities protect these assets for our survival and enjoyment. They are now adopting a strong team approach for nature. All of them are fighting to protect nature. They are all "Knights in shining armor".
This morning, The Wildlife Trusts have not only provided an update regarding their position on HS2, but have also provided a clear vision as to how to get the best possible result for nature, should this disastrous "gravy train" "White elephant" project get the go ahead from YOUR MP's!!!
Please, take a moment to look at their articles:
Remember that if the costs of these NECESSARY and EASILY JUSTIFIED measures to protect the environment (which, in turn protects us), ARE included in the COST/BENEFIT analysis, it would make HS2 look EVEN MORE of a disaster!
6. Councils that are opposing HS2. This is such a difficult position for them. Ask yourself, why would they do that IF HS2 was good for the community? To get a feeling for the level of opposition by councils, take a look at the 51m website. Every council that is standing up for community and nature is filled with "Knights in shining armor"
Do you want to be a "Knight in shining armor" by protecting the community and nature from the destruction of HS2? Here's how:
1. Email your MP. - ask them to vote against HS2 on Monday. There are simple tools that you can use to help do this quickly. Just use your postcode here
2. Attend the demonstration at Parliament on Monday 28th April 2014. Arrangements have been made so that you can ask YOUR MP to meet you on the day.
3. Join a storm on Twitter to help #StopHS2! Action Group members are all volunteers, without money to burn on advertising campaigns. To make the tweet storm storm trend on Sunday between 19:00-20:00, would be a TRUE VICTORY FOR ALL "KNIGHTS IN SHINING ARMOR" AND FOR THE PEOPLE. This action is a voice for the people and nature, and to see people standing strong to protect nature and community has to be good for the future.
Please spread word to family, friends and others, using word of mouth, nature/community websites, blogs and your social media accounts. Help #StopHS2.
Oh! Almost forgot! So who isn't a "Knight in shining armor" ?
Well read these two articles and then decide for yourselves!! here and here (By incredible coincidence the latter article refers to a "Knight in shining armour"!)
Every battle needs a hero. In this battle to protect nature from the unjustified destruction of HS2, we have found one - "Billy Bones" (@billybones53) This man speaks for the voiceless and is a warrior in the fight to vaccinate Badgers instead of UNJUSTIFIED AND INHUMANE SHOOTING or GASSING. (THE CATTLE AND BADGER VACCINATION INITIATIVE)! Fate decided that when Billy saw our Tweet about the #StopHS2 tweet storms, he was listening to this Neil Young song:
Listen to the words " ....I dreamed I saw the Knights in armor come" ......."Look at Mother Nature on the run" Feel the lost voices of animals that have been tortured as you listen to this song.
Mother Nature doesn't need to be on the run, we can all protect her now.
To some, HS2 is a "Gold Rush". But nature has not been valued properly in an already suspect cost/benefit analysis for HS2. Feel the words of this song. Be that "KNIGHT IN ARMOR" and protect MOTHER NATURE - Take the above actions to STOP HS2.
They tortured Badgers after ignoring Sir David Attenborough. Let them hear a team voice now to stop HS2.
HELP CREATE A TWEET STORM ON SUNDAY AT 19:00 that sends out a clear message:
HS2 threatens communities and the UK's natural assets that provide our air, water, food and health. There are alternatives that come at FAR less cost to people and planet.
Thank you as always for taking time to read this article.
Mother Nature doesn't need to be on the run, we can all protect her now.
To some, HS2 is a "Gold Rush". But nature has not been valued properly in an already suspect cost/benefit analysis for HS2. Feel the words of this song. Be that "KNIGHT IN ARMOR" and protect MOTHER NATURE - Take the above actions to STOP HS2.
They tortured Badgers after ignoring Sir David Attenborough. Let them hear a team voice now to stop HS2.
1. Email your MP. - ask them to vote against HS2 on Monday. There are simple tools that you can use to help do this quickly.
2. Attend the demonstration at Parliament on Monday 28th April 2014. Arrangements have been made so that you can meet your MP on the day and ask them to vote against HS2.
HELP CREATE A TWEET STORM ON SUNDAY AT 19:00 that sends out a clear message:
HS2 threatens communities and the UK's natural assets that provide our air, water, food and health. There are alternatives that come at FAR less cost to people and planet.
Thank you as always for taking time to read this article.
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